Music With A Smile and Janie Next Door

Janie Next Door Repertoire

Contact Janie Next Door with Jane Christison |

Accordionist, singer Jane Christison is the coveted children’s musician, Janie Next Door®. She has a whole assortment of live, musical programs for kids, using an instrument they don’t get to see very often – an accordion.

Janie Next Door plays for preschools, elementary school concerts, libraries, festivals, birthday parties, and other special occasions.  

Students, teachers, and parents are encouraged to sing along, march, clap, dance and take part in the performances. And, with Janie’s smile and enthusiasm, who can resist joining in on the fun?!?

Listen to Janie! Music With A Smile and Janie Next Door

"I Love Playing Accordion" from Jane Christison's album,"Come Sing Along with Janie Next Door™"

Browse through Janie's Programs!

Come Sing Along with Janie Next Door

A program with Janie’s engaging, original songs from her award-winning children’s CD!

Janie Next Door Plays Patriotic Songs for Presidents’ Day

Any day is a great day to sing patriotic songs, march, and salute our country!


Sing and Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day With Janie Next Door

Jigs, sing-along songs, and a four-leaf clover for a wee bit o’ luck make for a fun musical performance.  Be sure to wear some green!

Janie Next Door's Jelly Beans and Easter Eggs Show

 Songs to celebrate Easter and hop into springtime!


Janie Next Door Visits Mexico

Dance, clap, and learn to speak a little bit of Spanish as we pay a musical visit to our neighbor to the south!

Janie Next Door Fourth of July Salute

Patriotic songs, marches, and more for some star-spangled musical fun!

Janie Next Door Visits Germany

Polka, clap and even learn to speak a little bit of German during Oktoberfest - or any time of the year!


Janie Next Door Visits the Barnyard

Join Janie to sing songs about farmers and barnyard animals!

Janie Next Door Campfire Favorites

Let’s go camping and sing campfire songs around the fire.  This program is lots of fun, even if the fire is only pretend!

Janie Next Door's Jolly Janie Jingle Bell Christmas Show

 Sing along to your favorite Christmas songs and get in the holiday spirit!

Janie Next Door & Her Accordion

Here's a chance for kiddos to get a close-up look at an instrument they don’t get to see very often: an accordion! In this session they learn about the keys, buttons, switches, why Janie has to push and pull the bellows while she’s playing, and, even how to move their fingers just like Janie does. Ideal for small groups of preschool and elementary school age students.


Susan D. Brown

The children, ages 2 1/2 to 12 years, were all active, involved and excited about the performance. Janie’s ability to capture an audience is amazing!

Susan D. Brown, Assistant Director, Early Education Center
Shawnee, Kansas

Amy Schroeder

I work with Pam P., and she recently bought me  “Janie Next Door” CD for my two kiddos, ages two and four. They LOVE it! My two-year-old son always asks for “owside song” (1st on the CD), and my four-year-old asks for a different one each day: the lunchbox song, the shoe song, etc.

I’m amazed at how often my daughter will break out into one of your songs after something was said similar. And, because of “I Had Beans Last Night”, my kids now eat any kind of bean I put in front of them, just so they can sing the song! I like the CD for its originality, and I really admire your talent!

Amy Schroeder, Mom
Overland Park, Kansas

Lynn Wollard

For 30 minutes Janie had our 3-5 year olds under her musical spell! She invited student involvement, and the kids loved that.

Lynn Wollard, Preschool Director
Kansas City, Missouri

Debbie Gray

Janie’s collection of original songs is entertaining for adults and a blast for kids!  The tunes are catchy, the lyrics cute and informative, the sound effects are novel, the energy is contagious and the endless variety of styles and sounds provide something for everyone to love!  Equally exciting, there is an abundance of concept samples that connect beautifully to state Fine Arts standards, making this CD a music educator’s dream.

Debbie Gray, BME, MAT Educator, Author and Keynote Speaker
Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Peggy Snodgrass

Most terrific! Very energizing and fun! We loved the Come Sing Along With Janie Next Door program as much as the children did.

Peggy Snodgrass, Preschool Director
Lee’s Summit, MO

Leona Murphy

It was fun to see someone play the accordion. Great idea getting the children and families to participate!

Leona Murphy, Preschool Director
Overland Park, Kansas

Rita Davidson

The tunes on “Come Sing Along With Janie Next Door” are catchy, the lyrics easy to remember, and Jane’s enthusiasm for music is contagious! Elementary school children will be captivated by the fun and “get involved” mood created by Jane. I recommend this CD to parents, children, music teachers, and elementary school teachers who want to create some lively and enjoyable moments for their students!

Rita Davidson, National Editor

Cy Richards

As a grandparent, I’m well past childhood, but I thoroughly enjoyed all the songs on the CD. The tunes, the words, the sound effects are so much fun, that you can’t help joining in by singing along, tapping your toes and even getting up and dancing. I can hardly wait to share this CD with my grandkids.

Cy Richards, Grandfather
Overland Park, Kansas

Aimee Alderman

Jane engaged parents and children in fun, easy-to-sing songs. She exercised their muscles with marching and skipping, their brains with clapping and interesting vocabulary, and their spirits with her joyful program. Parents and children alike had so much fun. It was wonderful to see families enjoy this experience together!

Aimee Alderman, Coordinator, Parent as Teachers Association
Kansas City, Missouri

Dawn Schnake

My preschooler and first-grader love Janie!

Dawn Schnake, Mom
Overland Park, Kansas

Penny Snodgrass

Most terrific! Very energizing and fun! We loved the Come Sing Along With Janie Next Door program as much as the children did.

Penny Snodgrass, Preschool Director
Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Jane Rink

Accordion music, marching, silly songs = FUN! Janie Next Door was a huge hit at our library, for young and old alike! We can’t wait to have her back!

Jane Rink, Early Child Coordinator, Bonner Springs City Library
Bonner Springs, Kansas

Kim Manford

Thank you for coming to our school!  The children and teachers had a wonderful time. The children were engaged and interested.  I love that you taught the children about the accordion. What a fun morning!

Kim Manford, Preschool Co-Director
Kansas City, Missouri

Janie Next Door with Jane Christison |

If you're looking for a fun, engaging, toe-tapping experience, Jane's your gal!

Book Jane for your school, organization, library, festival, or other special event!